Liposuction Preparation and Recovery Tips

Liposuction Preparation and Recovery Tips

Liposuction Preparation and Recovery Tips

Liposuction Preparation and Recovery Tips


Liposuction is well-known as being one of the most effective cosmetic procedures for removing unwanted body fat and creating a smoother, more toned and tighter silhouette. Liposuction tends to be predominantly used in the areas of the body where fatty deposits are most likely to collect, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, and flanks. More recently, it has also been seen being used on the upper arms and neck area.


Liposuction involves sucking out small areas of stubborn fat that doesn’t typically respond to diet and exercise. Although considered fairly minimally-invasive in nature, liposuction does require small incisions to be made into the target area, and the process of moving the cannula back and forth in the style of a vacuum in order to remove the fat cells can cause considerable internal trauma to the body. This means that you will feel the effects of your procedure for some time after, and it is important to give yourself plenty of time to recover and heal.


Preparation and recovery are just as important as the procedure itself, and failure to do the right things before or after your liposuction could increase your risk of complications and affect the result of the treatment. Here are our top tips for getting ready for liposuction and coping with the recovery process.


Preparation for liposuction

Here are a few of the most important things that you need to know to prepare for liposuction.


Stop smoking!

The single most important thing that you can do ahead of any surgical procedure is to stop smoking. If you smoke, you are automatically at increased risk of complications such as delayed healing, infection and more. In fact, the risks are so significant that many surgeons will refuse to perform the procedure on patients who smoke.


Get your weight under control

Liposuction isn’t a weight-loss tool, but it will affect your overall size a little. However, if you are still on a weight loss journey, it is recommended that you complete this and reach a healthy, stable weight before undergoing liposuction. This is because any further weight loss can cause the redistribution of fat inside your body, potentially undoing the effects of your liposuction.


Follow the advice of your surgeon

Your surgeon will give you very specific advice about the things that you should and shouldn’t do ahead of your liposuction. This will include guidance about what medications you can and can’t take. It’s essential that you follow this advice if you are to keep your risk of complications low and obtain the best esthetic result following your surgery.


Recovering from liposuction

Here are our top tips for a fast and safe recovery from liposuction.


Take your pain medication as instructed

You will likely be in some discomfort after liposuction, and this is very normal. Most patients need some degree of pain relief, and whether you opt for over-the-counter medication or you ask your surgeon for something a little stronger, it is important that you take your medication as instructed. Being in pain actually slows down the healing process, as well as making your recovery time very miserable!


Look after your bandages

Changing your bandages regularly will ensure that the area remains clean and therefore unlikely to develop an infection. Don’t be tempted to clean the area with anything unless instructed by your surgical team.


Don’t soak

As tempting as a nice warm bath might be during your recovery, you will need to avoid soaking in water for a few weeks. This is because it can slow down the healing process and increase your risk of infection. Stick to showers and try not to get the area wet for at least the first few days.


Keep moving

It is essential that you rest for the first 24 hours following your procedure, but as soon as you are given the go-ahead, you should start moving around. Gentle movements will reduce your risk of developing a blood clot and will ensure that oxygenated blood reaches the areas that need to heal, speeding up the process.


Stay hydrated!

Our bodies need to be properly hydrated to function properly, and this includes healing. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day to stay hydrated and healthy whilst you recover.


Follow your post-surgical instructions

Before you are allowed to go home after liposuction, you will be given specific information relating to your recovery. This will include details about caring for your wounds, wearing your compression garment, taking pain medication, exercise and going back to work. These are given to you to help ensure that you have a smooth, straightforward recovery and the best cosmetic result from your liposuction procedure.



For more tips relating to liposuction, or to schedule your confidential consultation, please contact our team today. 



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